‘Very Demure, Very Mindful’: 5 Ways TikTok’s New Trend Can Boost Your Health

A happy male looking at a smartphone outside.
While TikTok’s viral “very demure, very mindful” meme trend may be taking a lighthearted approach to living more mindfully, health experts say it can also provide significant health benefits. Drazen_/Getty Images
  • The “very demure, very mindful” trend is taking over TikTok.
  • This trend encourages people to take a mindful approach to living their lives.
  • Experts say mindfulness can have numerous benefits.
  • It can help with anxiety, blood pressure, sleep, heart health, and weight loss.
  • Starting slowly and building up gradually is the key to forming mindful habits.

Very demure, very mindful” is the latest craze to take over TikTok and it has people everywhere talking about the importance of living your life in a more mindful way.

The American Psychological Association states that mindfulness involves having an awareness of your internal states and surroundings and observing your thoughts and feelings without judging them or reacting.

The “very demure, very mindful” trend originated when TikToker Jools Lebron posted a now-viral video discussing how she puts together a “modest and respectful” look for work.

“See how I look very presentable? The way I came to the interview is the way I go to the job,” Lebron tells her audience. “I’m very modest, I’m very mindful.”

Numerous people have made TikToks using the catchphrase, including celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Lance Bass, and RuPaul.

Even health organizations like the American Cancer Society have gotten in on the act, posting messages on social media platforms noting how a healthy lifestyle is a “very demure, very mindful” way to help prevent cancer.

However, there are other ways besides cancer prevention where mindfulness could benefit your health.

5 ways mindfulness can improve your health

While TikTok is taking a lighthearted approach with the “very demure, very mindful” trend, Dr. Nivedita Nayak, a Counselling Psychologist and Psychotherapist at ClinicSpots, outlined five very serious benefits the practice of mindfulness can have for your health.

Reduced anxiety

Nayak said that mindfulness is good for your mental health because it can help you turn your attention away from your worries and regrets.

“By focusing on the present moment, individuals can break the cycle of rumination and develop healthier coping mechanisms,” she explained.

“Additionally, mindfulness can help individuals become more aware of their emotions and develop healthier ways to regulate them,” said Nayak

Lower blood pressure

Not surprisingly, mindfulness can also reduce your stress, which, in turn, can help bring down elevated blood pressure.

“When we’re stressed, our bodies release hormones that can raise our blood pressure,” said Nayak.

“By practicing mindfulness, individuals can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and lowering blood pressure,” she said.

Improve sleep quality

Less stress and anxiety also translate into better and longer sleep.

“By practicing mindfulness, individuals can calm their minds and bodies, making it easier to relax and drift off to sleep,” Nayak explained.

Improve cardiovascular health

Lower stress can also be beneficial to your heart and blood vessels, per Nayak.

“Chronic stress can contribute to high blood pressure, heart rate, and inflammation, all of which are risk factors for heart disease,” she explained.

Practicing mindfulness can help people reduce their stress and improve their overall cardiovascular health.

Easier weight loss

Finally, Nayak discussed how mindfulness can aid your weight loss efforts.

“Mindfulness helps individuals pay attention to hunger and fullness cues, preventing overeating and promoting mindful eating habits,” she explained.

“When we’re mindful, we’re more likely to eat slowly, savor our food, and pay attention to our body’s signals,” said Nayak.

How to cultivate mindful habits

Elvis Rosales, LCSW, Clinical Director of Align Recovery Centers, describes mindfulness as “a powerful tool that can bring about significant changes in our physical and mental well-being.”

He recommends starting small in cultivating mindfulness.

“You don’t have to meditate for an hour a day right away,” Rosales advised. “Begin with five minutes of mindful breathing each morning or during a lunch break.”

From there, you can gradually build up your practice.

“Mindful walking, eating, or even doing daily tasks like washing the dishes can also help bring mindfulness into your everyday life,” he said, noting that consistency is the key to creating mindful habits.

“[L]ittle moments of mindfulness throughout the day can accumulate to bring lasting benefits,” added Rosales.

If you’ve never meditated and aren’t quite sure what to do, Nayak suggests using guided meditations and mindfulness apps to assist you. “These resources can provide guidance and structure for beginners,” she said.

Nayak additionally advises finding a comfortable place to practice mindfulness so you can be better focused and less distracted.

Finally, she pointed out that mindfulness practice takes time. “Be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress, no matter how small,” she concluded.


The “very demure, very mindful” TikTok trend is encouraging people to approach their lives more mindfully.

Mindfulness practices involve being aware of what is going on within your mind as well as around you and observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment.

Experts say mindfulness can have many positive health benefits, such as reduced anxiety, lower blood pressure, better sleep, improved cardiovascular health, and easier weight loss.

To cultivate mindfulness, it’s best to start out slowly and build your practice gradually.

Staying consistent can help you reap the health benefits.

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